Fridge Buyers Guide

It doesn’t matter how much you use your kitchen, the Fridge will be the most important part. Thus, each aspect and each factor should be shaped to meet your needs. For instance everything as small as noise, to as important as temperature control settings.

Traditional Fridges are old for a reason, as they stick out like sore thumb in every department, especially appearance. So Paul Davies has put together this buyer’s guide to ensure you find the best and most affordable solution.


Each type of Fridge

Separate and Combi Fridges will be the first decision you have to make. Combi Fridges combine both a fridge and freezer, however, having them separate does have its perks. The best example of this is having under counter fridges and freezers or alternatively built in units too.

Freestanding Fridges can still be a really effective solution for any kitchen, no matter the size. Using colour, model or even investing in an American Style Fridge, Fridges don’t have to be a bulky eye-sore. Integrated/ Built-in aim to bring a streamlined design to help save you space within your kitchen layout.

Other fridges include mini fridges, wine coolers and display units which can be used both domestically and commercially. Above all these fridges aim to bring convenience rather than the main refrigeration unit. Size doesn’t restrict, instead provide additional space on top of the main unit mainly intended for drinks.


Different Features

Each fridge will come with their different features, so here are the features you should be considering.

Auto-Defrost are the most popular fridge feature, saving so much time whilst also maintaining the quality of your food. Not only will this be a benefit to food, it will prevent ice build-ups hurting the fridge’s performance.

Cooling Systems can be adjusted to meet your specific needs, for instance better ventilation. By adjusting the temperature you will keep your food as precise as possible thus as fresh as possible. These even include the luxury features like dynamic cooling and concealed evaporator.

It isn’t just the Smart Fridges which have control panels, majority of newer models boast control panels. These control all different kinds of operation, from as basic as lights to refrigeration settings. The Digital Thermostat will be able to state the exact temperature, ideal if you have just changed a setting.


Energy Efficient Fridges

Energy Efficient Fridges used to be yes energy efficient yet weren’t optimal in design. This has certainly changed in recent years, meaning you can save money with a fridge ideal for you.

The UK now grade appliances on an A+++ - D scale of energy efficiency. This means there are many different means of saving money just due to fridge design. On top of meeting UK regulations and guidelines set by both manufacturers and government too.


Paul Davies Refrigeration Products

Paul Davies Kitchens & Appliances cover all of your refrigeration needs, with different units, models and more. All of this available at reasonable prices you won’t find anywhere else! Either pop into our Bolton Showroom or browse the Paul Davies website!